Create contact using custom field in prifile when event registration.
Create Contacts using API in civicrm 4.0 in drupal 7 on post process.
If the contact exists then it o/p that contacts id & if not exists then it create new contact & gives the o/p .
function eventType_customPath_civicrm_postProcess( $formName, &$form ){
if( $formName == 'CRM_Event_Form_Registration_Confirm' ){
$participantContact = $form->getVar('_params');
$participantFirstNameId = array( 'custom_11', 'custom_15', 'custom_19' ); /* add custom first name Id */
$participantLastNameId = array( 'custom_12', 'custom_16', 'custom_20' ); /* add custom last name Id */
$participantEmailId = array( 'custom_13', 'custom_17', 'custom_21' ); /* add custom email Id */
$participant = array( );
for( $count = 0; $count < 3; $count++ ) {
$participant[ $count ][ 'firstname' ] = $participantContact[ $participantFirstNameId [ $count ] ];
$participant[$count]['lastname'] = $participantContact [ $participantLastNameId [ $count ] ];
$participant[$count]['email'] = $participantContact [ $participantEmailId [ $count ] ];
require_once "api/api.php";
foreach( $participant as $participantKey => $participantValue ){
if( !empty( $participantValue['firstname'] ) && !empty( $participantValue['lastname'] ) ) {
$searchContact = array ( 'first_name' => $participantValue['firstname'] , 'last_name' => $participantValue['lastname'], 'version' =>3 );
$contact = civicrm_api( 'Contact', 'Get', $searchContact );
$contactId[]['contact_a'] = $contact['id'];
$createContact = array ( 'first_name' => $participantValue['firstname'] , 'last_name' => $participantValue['lastname'], 'email' => $participantValue['email'],'contact_type' => 'Individual', 'version' =>3 );
$contact = civicrm_api( 'Contact', 'Create', $createContact );
$contactId[]['contact_a'] = $contact['id'];
Gives the o/p as
[contact_a] => 123
[1] => array(
[contact_a] => 124
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