Use of pager query : Drupal 4.6 - 6 : pager_query($query, $limit = 10, $element = 0, $count_query = NULL) Perform a paged database query. Use this function when doing select queries you wish to be able to page. The pager uses LIMIT-based queries to fetch only the records required to render a certain page. However, it has to learn the total number of records returned by the query to compute the number of pages (the number of records / records per page). This is done by inserting "COUNT(*)" in the original query. For example, the query "SELECT nid, type FROM node WHERE status = '1' ORDER BY sticky DESC, created DESC" would be rewritten to read "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM node WHERE status = '1' ORDER BY sticky DESC, created DESC". Rewriting the query is accomplished using a regular expression. $output1 .= theme('pager',null, $count, 0); This is used to get the number. We can use this pager query in "Custom Search...
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